Hey everybody!!
Sorry I haven't updated the blog in awhile, but I've been very busy. I could have done it last week, but I left the cord for my digital camera in N.Battleford.
We were able to take Emilie out for her first day pass on March 30th. We took her to my grandma's house WITHOUT telling my grandma. Mainly because we didn't want them to be expecting her to be coming and then having something go wrong and not be able to. We didn't want to disappoint them.
As it was, the night before the pass something happened with the ventilator. . . it shut off. So they shortened our pass from the usual 4 hours, for a first pass, to 3 hours.
Emilie had a good time. The surprise went over very well and we were also able to surprise my Aunt Brenda and her family that were visiting grandma and grandpa, also. We ended up being out for the full 4 hours because when it came time to feed Emilie we realized that the nurse who helped to get her feed ready forgot the g-tube (used to feed her - VERY important). She said that subconsciously she must have wanted us to be out for the full 4 hours.
Anyway, the day went very well - no problems with the ventilator and Emilie had a great day! Eventhough she did not have her nap (she literally fell asleep once we put her down in her bed).
Pictures?? Of course!! Silly me, I forgot to make sure my batteries were charged, so I had to get some pictures off of my mom's camera.
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