Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas and December 27th Meeting

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!!!

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and I pray that you all will have a great New Year!!

I apologize for not updating everyone sooner about the Dec. 27th meeting, but we really have been quite busy. Taylor has come down with a pretty bad cold with a throat infection and a fever. Yesterday, the hospital phone to let me know that Emilie was running a fever. Please pray that God will heal this illness and it won't affect her as much as it is Taylor. I'm not sure yet how she's doing today, but she is in isolation and shouldn't have as many visitors until she is feeling better.

Anyway, I know you are all waiting to hear the results of the meeting. We want to really thank all of you that prayed for this meeting. It really paid off and we felt that God really had his hand on the meeting. We met with the nursing manager, Leanne, and Dr. Givilichian, as well as a social worker. We expressed our feelings of wanting Em home and basically were told what we had to do. Because home care won't support us we are going to apply for individualized funding, which means we can hire our own caregiver, but we are responsible for the hiring and all the paperwork to go with it. Pray that this funding will come through and that we will be able to qualify for it. Also, they felt that Darwin and I weren't spending enough time with Emilie when we are in town. We need to be there most of the weekend. This, however, will have an impact on Taylor. Taylor, being so young, can't handle being in the hospital too long. Pray that Taylor will adjust accordingly and will not be affected by this. My mom and I took Emilie for a walk on Friday for about an hour. Darwin and I have to take her on many walks before we can take her on a day pass. She has to be well or she can't go because if she's sick she has to be in isolation and can't leave her room. Pray for healing from the cold. That's about the extent of the meeting. Definitely a lot more positive than the first family meeting. Please also pray that she won't be sent out of province, which she will have to be if they get full again.

Thanks for all your continuing prayers. God is listening - definitely. He is not ignoring our prayers. Just pray that His plan will continue and that His purpose will be fulfilled through Emilie's life. He wants to draw people to Him - into a personal relationship with Him and He is. Keep praying!!! PUSH

Christmas - Emilie really enjoyed Christmas!! After we opened presents at Auntie Lori's, Mommy, Daddy, Taylor, and Grandpa Updike gathered up all of her presents and went up to the hospital to have our Christmas with Emilie. She really wasn't interested in the presents, but she loved the pretty paper and the BOWS!! We stuck a bow to her hand and she enjoyed waving her hand in the air. If the bow fell off, she would cry until we put it back on. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures. I think my dad did and I would have to import them from my mom's camera - I'll post them later. I did however get some video. It happened that she had one bow on each hand and one on her head. . . . she LOVED it. Taylor wouldn't let her play with any of her toys, although she did love the light up piano/button thing. Anyway, thanks for all of your support. We love you all and really appreciate your prayers and continued support.


Darwin, Sherri, Taylor, and especially Emilie

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